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First Image-recognition Software

1. Dartmouth researchers and their colleagues have created an artificial intelligence software that uses photos to locate documents on the Internet with far greater accuracy than ever before.

2. The new system, which was tested on photos and is now being applied to videos, shows for the first time that a machine learning algorithm (运算法则) for image recognition and retrieval is accurate and efficient enough to improve large-scale document searches online. The system uses pixel (像素) data in images and potentially video — rather than just text — to locate documents. It learns to recognize the pixels associated with a search phrase by studying the results from text-based image search engines. The knowledge gleaned (收集) from those results can then be applied to other photos without tags or captions (图片说明), making for more accurate document search results.

3. "Over the last 30 years," says Associate Professor Lorenzo Torresani, a co-author of the study, "the Web has evolved from a *** all collection of mostly text documents to a modern, massive, fast-growing multimedia data set, where nearly every page includes multiple pictures or videos. When a person looks at a Web page, he immediately gets the gist (主旨) of it by looking at the pictures in it. Yet, surprisingly, all existing popular search engines, such as Google or Bing, strip away the information contained in the photos and use exclusively the text of Web pages to perform the document retrieval. Our study is the first to show that modern machine vision systems are accurate and efficient enough to make effective use of the information contained in image pixels to improve document search."

4. The researchers designed and tested a machine vision system — a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed — that extracts semantic (语义的) information from the pixels of photos in Web pages. This information is used to enrich the description of the HTML page used by search engines for document retrieval. The researchers tested their approach using more than 600 search queries (查询)on a database of 50 million Web pages. They selected the text-retrieval search engine with the best performance and modified it to make use of the additional semantic information extracted by their method from the pictures of the Web pages. They found that this produced a 30 percent improvement in precision over the original search engine purely based on text.

23. Paragraph 1 ____

24. Paragraph 2 ____

25. Paragraph 3 ____

26. Paragraph 4 ____

A. Function of the new system

B. Improvement in document retrieval

C. Publication of the new discovery

D. Problems of the existing search engines

E. Popularity of the new system

F. Artificial intelligence software created

27. The new system does document retrieval by ____.

28. The new system is expected to improve precision in ____.

29. When performing document retrieval the existing search engines ignore __ __

30. The new system was found more effective in document search than the ____

A. using photos

B. description of the HTML page

C. current popular search engines

D. document search

E. information in images

F. machine vision systems


23-26. F A D B

27-30. A D E C








六是补全短文, 给出你大概230到250字的文章,从中拿出五个独立完整的句子,然后给你六个选项,要求考生读完后,顺序按原文章出现的形式,把文章恢复原貌。

急求: 2011年职称英语考试综合类A级答案,卷号12。



之一部分考题: 词汇选项题(9分)

1. C (push) -- urge

2. D (energetic) -- vigorous

3. B (stand) --- tolerate

4. B (criticize) – find fault with

5. A(greatly) – considerably

6. B(unclear)-- obscure

7. D (maintain) – assert

8. B (afraid) – scared

9. D (continuous) – steady

10. A (handle) – approach

11. A (shake) – tremble

12. A (praise)-- hail

13. B (cause) – provoke

14. D (understand) – grasp

15. C (remarking) – saying

第二部分考题: 阅读判断 (2分)

The forbidden apple

16. Some activities have recently become illegal in New York.


文章相关句: These days it is the city that never *** okes, drinks or does anything naughty (at least in public).

17. It’s now illegal to *** oke or drink alcohol anywhere in New York.


文章相关句: These days it is the city that never *** okes, drinks or does anything naughty (at least in public).

18. Eating apples in the park is illegal.

答案为B。 该题属于推断题。

文章相关句: These days it is the city that never *** okes, drinks or does anything naughty (at least in public).

19. The busines *** an like the new laws.



20. Elle and Serge Schroitman parked their car on the public driveway.


文章相关句: … It was their own driveway.

21. The editor of vanity fair magazine thinks some of the new laws are stupid.

答案为A, 该题属于推断题。

文章相关句:Under New York city law it is acceptable to keep a gun in your place of work, but not a empty ashtray.

22. New York is cleaner and safer than before.


文章相关句: it is true – it is safer, cleaner and more healthy than before.


23. paragraph 1

答案为E: People are in groups.

提示: groups是之一段段落主题词。 该段之一句是段落主题句。

24. paragraph 2

答案为B。 It is important to have a good leader.

提示: 段首句就是段落主题句,

25. paragraph 3

答案为A: Training can make a good leader

提示: training在该段中出现了, a good leader在文章中有呼应的词语: a successful leader

26. paragraph 4

答案为D: A good leader needs a variety of qualities

提示: a variety of qualities出现在段落中

27. One of the major keys to success is ___.

答案为B。 the ability to work with others.

文章相关句: it is now recognized that being able to work successfully with other people is one of the major keys to success.

28. Groups often break down because of ___.

答案为D: lack of good leaders.

文章相关句: groups without leaders or with weak leaders almost always break down.

29. Good leaders always avoid ___

答案为F: bossing people around (把人指挥得团团转)

文章相关句: Good leaders don’t make people do things in a bossy, controlling way.

30. Self-confidence is the key to ___.

答案为E: overcoming fears about being a leader.

文章相关句: Self-confidence is vital and being able to overcome your own fears about being a leader.

第四部分: 阅读理解(39分——42分)

之一篇: Cellophanes: hang up or keep talking(15分)

31. People buy cell phones for the following reasons EXCEP ___.

A. they are cheap (未提及的信息 )

32. The word “detected” in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by ___.

C. discovered

单词所在语境: signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with scanning…

33. The sale *** an retired young because ___

D: He couldn’t remember simple tasks

文章相关句: A traveling sale *** an had to retire at a young age because of serious memory loss. He couldn’t remember even simple tasks.

34. On the safety issue of mobile phones, the manufacturing companies ___.

A. hold that the amount of radiation is too *** all to worry about

文章中的相关句: Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too *** all to worry about

35. The writer’s purpose of writing this article is to advise people ___.

A. to use mobile phones less often

文章中相关句: so far now, it’s wise not to use your mobile phone too often.

第二篇阅读理解:the *** ell of money(9分——12分)

36. Artificial *** ells have been used in ___.

答案为B: banks

37. Researchers believe that introducing the “ *** ell of money” into banks will encourage people ___.

答案为A。 to fell confident about banks

文章相关句: Researchers have suggested that surrounding banks will the *** ell of money will encourage them… and give them added confidence in the bank’s security and professionali *** .

38. The difficulty of producing the “ *** ell of money” lies in that ___.

答案为D。 It’s hard to identify and *** yze it.

文章相关句: but before a *** ell can be manufactured and introduced into banks air conditioning systems, it must be identified and chemically *** yzed, and this has proved to be difficult.

39. The word “harness” in the last paragraph is closest meaning to ___.

答案为C。 control

文章相关句: It is a phenomenon marketing consultants have long recognized, but until recently have been unable to harness.

40. Researchers think___.

答案为C: the technology to produce artificial *** ells is in the early stage.

文章相关句: We’ve made great progress but the technology of odor production is still in its infancy.

第三篇阅读理解 spoilt for choice(15分)

41. Sometimes people ask professionals to help the make decisions because ___.

D. the decision may have serious impact on their lives.

42. When people can not easily decide what to buy, which of the following is the least possible choice?

D. seeking advice

43. Why do products have a short lifespan nowadays?

D: They are quickly replaced with new ones.

44. How does migration today differ from that of the past?

C: People now have more choice about where to migrate.

45. Which of the following best expresses the writer’s view on choice?

B: More choice, more anxiety

第五部分 补全短文

46. F。 The term comes from the activity of the ice age.

空格前句: This irregularity is the result of what is called drowned coastline.

空格后句: At the time,….

47. E: It is split almost in half by Sones Sond, a deep and narrow stretch of water…

空格前句: The highest parts of the former mountain range, along the seashore and narrow stretch of water, remained as island.

空格后句:Marine fissile found here were 225 feet above sea level.

48. Mt. Desert island is one of the most famous of all of the islands left behind by the glacier.

干扰项: The wealthy residences of Mt. Desert island selfishly keep it to themselves.

空格前句: Mt. Desert island is…. Mt. Desert was essentially formed as two distinct islands.

49. B. It also lies in a major bird migration lane and is a resting spot for many birds.

空格前句: The island supports the plants and animals of both zones …

50. A: This mountain rises 1,532 feet, making it the highest mountain on the Atlantic seashore.

空格前句: The best view on Mt. Desert island is from the top Cadilliac Mountain

第六部分 完形填空

51. opinions (A)

52. estimates(C)

53. criteria (B)

54. desire (A)

55. psychological (C)

56. before (D)

57. offences (C)

58. operation (A)

59. about (D)

60. that (C)

61. procedure (C)

62. seeking (B)

63. requires (B)

64. risks (B)

65. big



1.The country says that the investment of US $14 million is big enough for developing that country’s chip industry.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

2.That country gives top priorities to developing chips for military purposes.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

3.Although the licensing fees are not very high, that Far Eastern country cannot afford to pay.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

4.Many western countries ban the exporting of the most advanced chip-making technologies to that country to prevent them from being used for military purposes.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

5.Currently, almost all the flagship chipmakers in that country are owned by American investors.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

6.Mainstream chip production technology develop rapidly.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

7.More than 10 chip plants being built in that country are an example of self-reliance.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned


1.B 本题给出的信息是错误的。最后一段说到,如果新建的芯片中心能在改善该国在芯片行业的被动形势中起重要作用,该国认为:“... the US $14 million investment is still rather *** all”。

2.C 文章没有提供这方面的信息。

3.B 文章提到专利费较高,此句说较低,与原意不符。

4.A 本题给出的信息是正确的。第二段有这样一句话:Currently, chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments don’t allow them to import the most advanced technologies, fearing they will be used for military purposes.这就是选A的依据。

5.C 文章没有提供这方面的信息。

6.A 选A的依据是第三段之一句:... mainstream chip production technology shifts from one generation to the next every three to five years ...

7.B 本题给出的信息是错误的。第四段第二句说明,这些芯片工厂的技术主要是从日本和新加坡进口的。



该中心将会应用自己的研究技术和设施,为本国芯片厂家开发新技术。这个国家名列首位的芯片制造公司说,芯片中心的成立可能使这个国家摆脱从他国购买即将淘汰的.技术的困境。由于许多外国 *** 担心先进技术会被用于军事目的,不允许这个国家的芯片生产厂家进口前沿技术,所以这些生产厂家处于一种被动局面。另外,由于这些芯片生产厂家必须向技术提供者支付高额的许可费,这也构成了他们决定要自力更生的一个重要原因。

由于主流芯片生产技术每隔 3~5年就要进行更新换代,所以掌握了新技术的厂家就可以以较低的成本制造出较好的芯片,而那些耗费数十亿美元建立起的厂家,如果设备落后,也将会被生产商所淘汰。



Text three

The Biology of Music

Humans use music as a powerful way to communicate. It may also play an important role in love. But what is music, and how does it work its magic? Science does not yet have all the answers.

What are two things that make humans different from animals? One is language, and the other is music. It is true that some animals can sing (and many birds sing better than a lot of people). However, the songs of animals, such as birds and whales, are very limited. It is also true that humans, not animals, have developed musical instruments. 1

Music is strange stuff. It is clearly different from language. However, people can use music to communicate things — especially their emotions. When music is combined with speech in a song, it is a very powerful form of communication. But, biologically speaking, what is music?

If music is truly different from speech, then we should process music and language in different parts of the brain. The scientific evidence suggests that this is true.

Sometimes people who suffer brain damage lose their ability to process language. However, they don’t automatically lose their musical abilities. For example, Vissarion Shebalin, a Russian composer,had a stroke in 1953. It injured the left side of his brain. He could no longer speak or understand speech. He could, however, still compose music until his death ten years later. On the other hand,sometimes strokes cause people to lose their musical ability, but they can still speak and understand speech. This shows that the brain processes music and language separately.

By studying the physical effects of music on the body,scientists have also learned a lot about how music influences the emotions. But why does music have such a strong effect on us? That is a harder question to answer. Geoffrey Miller, a researcher at University College, London, thinks that music and love have a strong connection. Music requires special talent, practice, and physical ability. That’s why it may be a way of showing your fitness to be someone’s mate. For example, singing in tune or playing a musical instrument requires fine muscular control. You also need a good memory to remember the notes. And playing or singing those notes correctly suggests that your hearing is in excellent condition. Finally, when a man sings to the woman he loves (or vice versa), it may be a way of showing off.

However, Miller’s theory still doesn’t explain why certain combinations of sounds influence our emotions so deeply. For scientists,this is clearly an area that needs further research.


automatically .自动地

note 音符

stroke 中风


1.It is also true that humans, not animals, have developed musical instruments:人研制出了乐器,而动物则不能。Develop:研制,例如:Scientists are developing new drugs to treat cancer.科学家们正在研发新药用以治疗癌症。


1.Humans, but not animals, can sing.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

2.People can use music to communicate their emotions.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

3.We use the same part of the brain for music and language.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

4.Geoffery Miler has done research on music and emotions.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

5.It’s hard for humans to compose music.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

6.Memory is not an important part in singing in tune.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

7.Scientists does not know all the answers about the effects of music on humans.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned


1.B 第二段的第三句:It is true that some animals can sing (and many birds sing better than a lot of people).可以看出有些动物会唱歌,而不只人类会唱歌。

2.A 第三段的第三句:However, people can use music to communicate things — especially their emotions.这句清楚表明,人们可以用音乐来表达情感。

3.B 第四段说明:科学证明人们用大脑的不同区域处理语言和音乐。在第五段,作者用Vissarion Shebalin的例子进一步说明人脑处理语言和音乐的位置不同,Shebalin中风以后不能讲话也听不懂别人的话,但他却能创作乐曲。

4.A 第六段的第四句:Geoffrey Miller, a researcher at University College,London,thinks that music and love have a strong connection.这句说明Miller对音乐和爱(情感)的关系进行了研究,他得出的结论是:音乐和爱有密切的关联。

5.C 文中没有提及创作乐曲是否困难。

6.B 第六段有一句:You also need a good memory to remember the notes.此句说明必须具备好的记忆力记音符才能唱得符合调子。

7.A 最后一段讲的是:科学家们需要做更多的研究才能解释为什么有些声音影响我们的情感会如此之深。也就是说,科学家不能全部解释音乐对人类的影响。



哪两项事物使得人类不同于动物?一个是语言,另一个是音乐。当然一些动物会唱歌 (并且许多鸟唱得比很多人都好听) ,但是,动物的歌声是有限的,比如鸟类和鲸鱼。同样,是人类而不是动物开发出了乐器。



有时,受过脑损伤的人会丧失他们处理语言的能力。但是,他们不会自动地丢失音乐才能。比如,维沙翁·舍巴林,一位苏联作曲家,在1953 年得了中风。他的大脑的左半边受到损害,他再也不能说话或是理解别人的话,但是他仍然能够谱曲,直到十年后他离开人世。另一方面,中风有时会使人们丧失音乐能力,但是他们仍然能够说话也能听懂别人的话。这就说明大脑是分别加了处理音乐和语言的。

通过研究音乐在人身体上的物理效应,科学家也了解到许多关于音乐是如何影响情感的。但是,为什么音乐对我们有如此强烈的影响?这是一个更难回答的问题。伦敦大学学院的研究员杰弗里·米勒认为音乐和爱有紧密的关,音乐需要特殊才能、练习和体能。这也许是一种方式让你展示你适合做某人的伴侣。比如,按调唱歌或者弹奏乐器需要有很好的肌肉控制力。你也需要有好的记忆力来记住音符。能正确地演奏或者唱出这些音符也证明你的听力也非常好。所以,当一个男人唱给他心爱的女人时(反之亦然) 音乐就可能成为一种展示的方式。



Part I Listening ComprehensionSection A (每题1分) 1. days 2. By the full name 3. The short holidays 4. meet 5. arrangeSection B (每题1分) 6. while7. am completing 8. which 9. once 10. Open the window11.Two 12.same area 13.often check 14.heart 15.insurancePart II Structure16. how 17. what'18. on arriving at the?? 19at the meeting. 20. the human resources 21. Jack said22. I have a work 23. more than half 24 working in 25. Team bulidiySection26. quickly 27. less 28. interesting 29. lost30. performance 31. is equipped 32. writing33. have become 34. wonderful 35. were / wasPart III Reading ComprehensionTask 1 (每题2分)36. want to be employed by German companies 37. Offering different language courses. 38. language training centers 39. English40. encourage people to learn more foreign languagesTask 2 (每题2分)41. by offering excellent services on board42for 6 months. 43. before receiving the Permanent Card 44. within 3 weeks of their first flight45. before receiving the Permanent Card46. activities 47. iMOVE has48. wide range49. weeks of their50. Student Advising OfficeTask 4 (每题1分)51. O, F 52. I, L 53. G, B 54. D, C 55. E, A56. account 57. free 58. 12 (languages) 59. close 60. (continue to) use / log in toPart IV Translation --- English intoChinese61,如果你当天去,当天回来那么我们还可以去聚会62,请不要在这里吸烟,因为有很多小孩子63:你的电脑里有我的邮件的,在那个F开头的文件夹里64:鸡蛋是从0.8元涨到1元的65:所有的科技展都是这样子的,都会在一个很宽广的房间里展开,面对小学生等都是不收钱的,是由老师组织起来一起去参观的,特别是暑假的时候,人会很多,而且会看到很多小孩子在老师的带领下参观学习。作文:如果你捡到了别人的钱包,你想写一个海报来寻找给失主 地点:汽车站 时间2011年10月8号 描述:黑色的钱包一个,里面有一张身份证,银行卡2张,现金若干







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